JZK L298N H-bridge Contorller module DC Stepping Motor Driver for Arduino Stepper Motor Smart Car Robot Driver Controller Board

  • £8.99
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L298N is a kind of high voltage, high current motor driver chip product
This module can use built-in 78M05 for electrical work via a drive power supply. But to avoid damaging the voltage stabilizing chip, please use an external 5V logic supply if you are using more than 12V driving voltage.
Peak current up to 3A, continuous current 2A and 25W rated power.
With a large filter capacitor, this module can follow current to protect diodes and improve reliability.
The module has such features as high driveability, low calorific value and strong anti-interference capability.

Technical specifications
Chip: L298N
Operating mode: H-Bridge driver (dual)
Voltage (driver): 5V-35V
Electricity (driver): 2A (MAX single bridge)
Maximum power: 25W
Voltage: 5V
News omA-36mA